Monday, November 3, 2014

Old Man on Campus

    Returning to college as an...ahem...older student is interesting to say the least. First of all I dress like a college student for class...t-shirt, and jeans or the such.  I spend most of my days (now nights) clad in business casual like its chain mail so I made an active decision. I will only wear work clothes to school in instances when transition from student to supervisor doesn't allow for a quick stop in a phone booth  (do phone booths still exist?) or more likely home. This way I blend in a little bit more...not much...but a little more. Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not wearing skinny jeans or black socks with sneakers. I'm blending in, not trying to be a hipster. Seriously, I stand out so much think I heard a younger student mumble "Narc" when I walked by him.
    Secondly, everyone is so young. I'm not trying to insult or assume these people aren't smart or don't have experience. To illustrate consider this, I had a conversation with one of my classmates the other day cause we shared a common interest, playing guitar. I asked how long she'd been playing. She responded, "Oh, about 3 years, I started when I was 14." My heart stopped for a second. This young woman was almost exactly half my age. Outwardly I chuckled and said, "I also start playing at 14, except it was more than 3 years ago." Inwardly my brain swirled with too many thoughts to even continue the conversation and so i went on my way thoroughly perplexed. In another instance a couple of co-workers and I were talking about Nirvana. I asked our 20 year old intern if he listen to them. His response and I quote, "I don't really like classic rock." At that point I think the few functioning brain cells I had died. My co-workers and I were flabbergasted. Let that set in...Nirvana...Classic Rock. If you too are experiencing profane diarrhea of the month than you understand how I felt. No words adequately convey how troubled I was by that conversation
    Next, why do college students sit in silence and then complain about classes being boring? I see this behavior frequently. The professors ask question to keep the class moving or to hear another voice besides their own. Nobody will offer a response, half of them won't even make eye contact with the professor. In case that somehow is contrived to mean they would like to comments. I mean how boring is silence in a class. I simply can not take it.  Any more I have to be involved in the conversation even if it is just me and the professor. I'm sure other students may be annoyed at me but I will not sit quietly. Just today I heard two classmate complaining about how boring the class is but yet they will sit there struggling to keep awake. Not me, call me teacher's pet (that would be a first) but don't expect me to join you in your doldrums. I'll fight boredom my way...getting involved, asking questions, attempting to learn something new.
    It is a little different to be the old man on campus but I'd have to say I really do enjoy the experience. I know I standout so I ran with it.  It's fun.

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