Monday, November 3, 2014


Welcome to Left Over Remarks

A little bit about me and this blog.

My name is Matt. I'm 33 years old and hail from the far off land of (queue spooky voice) PENNSYLVANIA, Philly to be exact. I grew up just outside the city and now live in the Northeastern reaches of Philly or as I like to call them "The Cityburbs"
I'm married (to my beautiful and extremely patient wife Jayme) and have an almost 4 year old daughter.

I'm sure your wondering about the title. Left Over Remarks just came to me. I'm left handed first of all and I find a lot of times that my opinions take time to form and so by the time I'm ready to remark its the like leftovers as the interwebs has surely moved on to something more shiny by that time

Why am I writing this? Well, I recently returned to college and since I am majoring in Communications I figured I should try to start communicating more often. Makes sense right? My goal as a Communications student is to become a writer, when i grow up. So hopefully practice (yes, I'm talkin about practice) will make perfect or at least somewhat intelligible.

Frequency - I'm initially going to attempt one post a week.

So here it goes

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